Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Well here goes!

Hi friends!!! I am creating a new blog. Here’s why… I’m staying home this year and LOVING it!! I miss my little school husband says its empty school nest syndrome... but I love putting my each of my kids on their respective busses each morning and being here when they get off. Yes- I get a little...well...bored some days. My husband laughed when I said that. "Not bored enough to deep clean the " is his favorite saying. Why he thought the house would be cleaner just because I am staying home, I don't know. Miss A is loving preschool. I love being able to do projects everyday at home. She joined her big sister in going to Awana this year (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) at church. She is doing great and has a great time remembering her verses. She makes everyone smile every time she comes with a story from home. Miss O is loving the fourth grade. She is rocking on all of her assessments and loves the nightly reading assignments. She is famous in our household for staying up right until her bedtime then saying "But I HAVE to read!!! It's homework!!!" or "I'm going to fail fourth grade if I can't read". Can you guess how well that goes over? So this is what I am thinking I will do with my blog. I have had a few people ask me what they can be doing at home with their kiddos, so I thought I would post what we are doing here at home, in addition to some activities that may help your kiddos too. if you have any questions, ideas or thoughts, please PLEASE let me know. The more I can help you, the better I feel... if that makes any sense at all. Plus- I have discovered the crazy truth is... the busier I am, the more housework I get done. Probably because I actually do it instead of pushing it off until tomorrow. So here is my first post in this part of my journey. I hope it helps you CC. Many hugs to my little guy!!!


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